Water Exercise Senior Fitness Programs

Sessions Start Week of Nov. 18

BRIDGEWATER - People age 60 and over who enjoy pool exercises can choose from a variety of water exercise programs being offered at the Somerset Valley YMCA in the Bridgewater Aquatic Center, located at 601 Garretson Road.  The registration deadline is Wednesday, Nov. 13.

Courses at the Somerset Valley YMCA include water Pilates, hydro, deep water exercises and aqua boot camp.  Water Pilates is Pilates adapted to the pool. The exercises are graceful movements performed at a slow pace, which employ stretching, breathing, concentration and control. 

Hydro classes, which are low-impact exercises performed in the shallow end of the pool, incorporate a combination of calisthenics, such as leg lifts, wall exercises and water-jogging.  

The deep water course is a comprehensive, no-impact water exercise program that helps tone the body, work the cardiovascular system and build endurance.   Participants of this course wear an aquatic belt while they exercise in the deep end.

Aqua boot camp is a high intensity water fitness program that offers benefits similar to weight and resistance training of a traditional gym. The advantage of pool exercise is that it is easier on the joints compared to other types of exercise.

The cost is $35 for ten-week sessions, or $31.50 for nine weeks.  Participants are asked to complete the registration form in advance of the deadline.  Registration forms will not be accepted after Nov. 13 and no refunds or credits will be issued for missed classes.

To obtain the water exercise form, click on the link below or contact the county Office on Aging and Disability Services at (908) 704-6346. 

Checks can be made payable to the Somerset County Office on Aging and Disability Services (“SCOA&DS”).  Prior to the first class, checks and completed registration forms should be mailed to Barbara Karpinski, S.C. Office on Aging and Disability Services, PO Box 3000, Somerville, NJ 08876.   

For more information about senior fitness programs, contact the Somerset County Office on Aging and Disability Services at (908) 704-6346.