UDrive. UText. UPay.
Chief William G. Parenti announced that officers from the North Plainfield Police Department shall comply with Prosecutor Geoffrey Soriano request to step up enforcement on distracted drivers during April as part of the national UDrive. UText. UPay. enforcement campaign.
Beginning April 1 and running through April 21, the aero tolerance, high visibility law enforcement initiative will target motorists who engage in dangerous distracted driving behaviors such as talking on hand-held cell phones and sending text messages while driving. Motorist caught with a cell phone in their hand will receive a ticked in the other.
“Distracted driving is a serious issue on our roadways,” said Gary Poedubicky, Acting Director of the New Jersey Division of Highway Traffic Safety”. "The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that in 2012 alone, 3,328 people were killed in distracted driving crashes and an estimated 421,000 people were injured in motor vehicle crashes involving a distracted driver.”
The campaign is modeled after similar successful high visibility enforcement campaigns such as Click It or Ticket and Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over. The Media and done a great job helping us educate the motoring public on this serious epidemic Chief Parenti said. Motorist know the perils of cell phone use; Accidents, Property Damage, Injury, and Death are the very real danger they face. Knowing those facts mystifies me that people don’t those facts is not enough reason to put the phone down. Chief Parenti detailed a few additional reasons to Put The Phone Down. The ticket you receive will cost between $200.00 to $400.00 and your car insurance rates will go up for the first offence, $400.00 - $600.00 and even higher insurance rates for a second offence and $600.00 - $800.00, possible license suspension and greater insurance rates for a third offense.